About GSOC

Well what can I say, GSOC which stands for Google Summer Of Code is something I would like to call Opportunity for any Computer Science/IT student who is looking for some experiance in real development. And also a really good indicator on you Curriculum Vitae for any future Employer. Not to mention all brilient people you are going to meet as Mentors and people in GSOC community.

##What is GSOC ? GSOC is like a gatway drug for Open Source Communinty gsoc is a global event organized by Google to help Open Source community by helping Students to make that sweeet transition from Student to a Contributor contributing for Open Source projects. It is a gateway or kind of a spring for students to give something for the communinty and at the same time get some experiance. Of course you can contribute to Open Source projects without GSOC but hey where is all the fun in it !. GSOC also pay a small snippet for Students who partisipate GSOC, so they don’t have to work somewhere else in the summer. simply:

  • Orgaizations register on GSOC with their Open Source projects
  • These Organizzations provide Mentors for GSOC Students
  • Orgainsations have Idea lists, which you should check out and make your proposals

Here is the list of Organisations who partisipated GSOC 2016 Here is the time-linefor GSOC

Well enough with all the chitchat, lets get on to buissness.

##How to become a GSOC Intern ofcourse this blog post is for Students (as I’m a Student too)

  • Read the GSOC Manuel for students very important
  • Find an Organisation which intrests you (when they are anounced or if you are starting early check past Organizations participated GSOC)
  • Check their Idea page
  • Differernt Organizations have different instructions on what to do, if you want to chosed as one of GSOC interns
  • Can’t find a project proposal template, check old projects they have done for GSOC. see how past students have prepared their proposals.
  • get into their dev Mailing List and IRC
  • if there are any initial reqirements like pushing commits for their projects, well do them
  • If you have a problem check all guides

have issues with GitHub check their Help page. have no idea what Git or GitHub is these guides might help. another guide of how to contribute for open source projects
hear is a good guide how to pick a gsoc project